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Choose your pricing plan
Gold star members
99,99US$Save 30% on all orders priced over $ 500Valid for one year- *Gold star member will receive discounts on multi purchases
- *Free shipping on all orders
- *Save 30% on all items priced over $ 500
- *Receive a free gift at the end of your one year membership
- *Free auto bill pay
- *Purchase 3 products a month to qualify to receive $ 25 off
- *Accumulate 25 reward points to receive a free bluray player
Unlimited members
199US$Save 50 % off all orders priced over $10,000 USA buyers onlyValid for one year- *Free overnight shipping on all orders priced over $ 1,500
- *Free tech support on all electronic devices
- *Save 20% off all products priced over $ 5,000 USA buyers
- *Purchase three items a month to qualify to receive $ 30 off
- *Free auto pay
- * Accumulate 50 rewards points and receive a free 3D TV
Iconic star members
499US$Receive 75% off all products priced at $ 10,000 or moreValid for one year- *Purchase three items a month to qualify to receive $ 75.00
- *Receive free overnight shipping on products $ 5,000 or more
- *Receive 75% off all products priced at $ 10,000 or more
- * Free auto pay
- * Receive a free gift at the end of your yearly subscription
- Free lifetime tech support on all custom electronic devices
- * Receive free dinner at the end of your yearly subscription
- * Accumulate 50 rewards points to receive a free 4K UHD TV
Private star member
799US$Unlimited accessValid for one year- *Receive automatic 25 rewards points for signing up
- *Receive overnight shipping on all purchases for one week
- *Receive free three $ 50 dinner vouchers for three months
- *At the end of your membership choose any music CD for free
- *Gain access to our live comic con shows as a honorary guest
- *Unlimited tech support for life
Unknown star member
1.499US$UnlimitedValid for one year- * Receive 80% off all orders priced over $ 15,000 USD
- * Receive a free complimentary bottle of Dom Perignon
- * Receive 2 free tickets to a major sporting event of choice
- * Receive 20% off any brand new QLED 50 inch television
- * Advertise your company on our website for free for 1 month
- * Obtain free paid Uber service for up to 2 miles for 1 week
- * Unlimited tech support
Secret star member
4.999US$PrivateValid for 2 years- * Receive private money making business courses
- * Obtain private behind the scenes access
- * Free private breakfast lunch and dinner gatherings
- * Investment tips
- * Real estate and financial funding
- * All commercial flights paid for USA & International
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